Author: jadmin
Grad Slam: Alana Ogata
Diagnosing illness within the comfort of home
Three times a charm for Grad Slam winner
Update 4.6.18
Congrats to Grad Slammers Joseph Charbonnet and Tooka Zokaie, who took home the Grad Slam championships for Cal and Davis this week. We look forward to hearing your talks about stormwater solutions and oral health care access on the LinkedIn stage in San Francisco next month!
2018 UCI Grad Slam names three top winners
Kickoff of Grad Slam at UCLA
Talk on safer stents wins 2018 UCSF Grad Slam
Good luck Cal and Aggie Slammers! Berkeley contest is Wed., April 4. Davis is up Thurs. April 5. Follow the action on Twitter at #GradSlam.
2017 Winner Announcement
Congrats to LeslieĀ and our other 2017 winners: Second place: John Felts, UC Santa Cruz Third place: Geoff Hollett, UC San Diego People’s Choice award: Leah Foltz, UC Santa Barbara Watch all theĀ talks now!